- 故事发生在1991年的迈阿密,讲述Dexter从学生成长为连环杀手的故事。
21975年的美国费城,经济凋敝,NFL(美式橄榄球联盟)中的费城老鹰队亦缺乏斗志,连尝败绩,频遭看台上费城球迷的嘘声,但这并不妨碍文斯·帕培尔(Mark Wahlberg 饰)和一班老朋友享受橄榄球运动带来的乐趣,尽管他本人的生活也颇不得意——最近几年一直处于半失业状态,妻子新近离他而去,只能靠生人勿进
2Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel and film,the series centers on Mark and his daughter Eleanor, whose lives were changed 10 years earlier whe谈吐人生
1Billed as an allegory about America’s fractured politics and culture, the film follows Simon, an up-and-coming commentator whose world is turned ups