4Peggy, a former addict, who decides to make a new start after the death of her beloved mother with whom she lived in the small desert town of Yucca Va天使陨落
4在他的妻子与黑暗势力的战斗中不幸牺牲后,加布里埃尔被说服重新加入他以前的恶魔猎人团队,从美国相对不为人知的地方旅行到欧洲的未知深处。他与他疏远的最好的朋友迈克尔一起,他有一个黑暗的秘密,神秘的汉娜的愿景预测未来,和一群形形色色的恶魔杀手。在失去了他的一部分团队后,加布里埃尔必须面对他悲惨的过去,并决- Cassie distracts herself with work, while Jenny recovers from her near-death experience, but it won't be long before a mysterious accident leads them