- Emi must deal with his magician parent's disappearance after a trick spirals out of control.
- Emi must deal with his magician parent's disappearance after a trick spirals out of control.
- 故事围绕齐雅拉·马斯楚安尼展开,她因为父亲的光环受到从四面八方传来的压力,于是决定通过自己的努力让父亲“复活”。她将化身马塞洛,穿着像父亲一样,并要求现在开始被视为男演员,而不是女演员。周围的人都认为这只是一个短暂的玩笑,但齐雅拉决意不放弃自己的新身份……
- Toxiefindshehasnothingtodoasasuperhero,ashehasriddenhiscityofevil.Hedecidestogotoworkforamajorcorporation,whichhediscoversmaybetheevilestofallhisadver
- Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the beginning of the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. They live toget
- 菲利普与玛丽萝两人迈入老年,即将规划他们梦寐以求的退休生活:搬往葡萄牙,充满阳光的地中海旁生活!
- 透过摄像机偶尔晃动的画面里是Étienne无法言语的懵懵情愫,对好友Ludo,对自己的地理老师,对花样滑冰的队友。很朦胧却时时刻刻的萦绕在心头。不敢用自己的双眼直接去面对,只能用镜头去捕捉那些人,那些表情,那些感情... 故事从Étienne,一个法国男孩过生日时得到了一部微型摄像机开始,他每天拿
- After his best friend Kevin commits suicide, John decides his life needs a change and he spontaneously heads off to Europe to follow Kevin's muse So