2Isaac, and his wife, Tania, are heading to the countryside to help Isaac's estranged father Abe do some projects around the house as an opportunit- A pediatrician and an overseas doctor, meet at a wedding in Philadelphia, but the long distance, family, and their friends may hinder their budding
7影片讲述了1978年世界上第一个“”试管婴儿”Louise Joy Brown诞生背后的非凡真实故事,以及为实现这一目标而不懈奋斗的十年历程。故事从年轻护士兼胚胎学家Jean Purdy的视角出发,她与科学家Robert Edwards、外科医生Patrick Steptoe合作,开创了体外受精(I街头废物
4A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city.抗命营救
14扎耶采夫是一个来自偏远村庄的普通少年,他在一个没有父亲的大家庭中长大。在战时童年和战后困难中,他凭借着坚定的意志幸存下来,并成为反恐部队“阿尔法小队”的创始人之一。奥尔忠尼启则市发生了一起骇人听闻的案件:恐怖分子劫持了三十二名儿童、一名教师和一名司机作为人质。这个事件轰动了整个国家,乃至于整个世- A frustrated, despairing housewife and young mother of two, imprisoned by her domestic world and ignored by her succesful husband, becomes increasin