- 一名即将退休的中情局探员发现了一个家族秘密,并被迫重返一线,去完成最后一项任务。这部剧集在间谍、动作和幽默的全球背景下讲述了普遍存在的家庭关系。 尼克·桑多拉担任剧集主管和监制,阿诺·施瓦辛格担任主演和监制。《FUBAR》的监制团队还包括亚当·希格斯、斯科特·沙利文、霍莉·达尔,以及比尔·博斯
- What unfolds in the posh lanes of a Delhi school? Where will their lives take them? The questions, for now, are unanswered, but they will be answere
- What unfolds in the posh lanes of a Delhi school? Where will their lives take them? The questions, for now, are unanswered, but they will be answere
- A stray dog named Gump is searching for his place in the human world. He wishes to get a companion, but has to endure several challenges along the w
- Desperate to save his fiancee from a demon that has possessed her soul, a man turns to his longtime priest for help.
- 年轻的自由摄影师Thun(Ananda Everingham)这日携女友Jane(Natthaweeranuch Thongmee)与大学同窗聚会完毕开车归家,途中Jane将一名飘忽而至的女子撞倒在地。Jane欲下车查看女子伤势,被Thun劝阻,两人匆忙逃离肇事现场。Jane开始终日坐立不安,并指责
2本片在2012年被提名为以色列电影学院奖“最佳影片”。片子有着夸张的剧情,糅合了喜剧元素,带着黑色幽默的浪漫,塑造了略边缘化、病态和神经质的角色。 片子带有《末路狂花》的主线剧情——俩女子误杀渣男;《天生杀人狂》的逃亡形式——公路电影即视感,但没《天》那样疯狂杀人,不过路边的毒蛇总是能引发二者万岁毕姆