- From war, Japan began to show technological prowess like the world had never seen. After a shocking betrayal, Sony founded that which would become t
4When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of- 导演马可·伯格的第八部电影长片《Los Agitadores》现已杀青。 “这部电影处理了一种在西方非常常见的现象,它是一种恐同和男性情色的混合。比如说那些足球运动员之间,他们常常赤裸相见,互相打闹并发生肢体接触,这是一个很愉快并暧昧的场景,但同时他们也处在一个很恐同的环境。我的新片讲的就是在
16Finally, Anton fell in love and married Yuni, who was also his wife's friend, Nuri. Even though Yuni and Nuri had promised not to pursue each other'- 在一辆孤独的灰狗巴士上,两个带着一模一样黑色旅行包的女人偶然相遇。这一巧合引发了一场致命的猫捉老鼠游戏,其中一人发现她与一名杀手交换了包,而他们的相遇可能并非偶然。在这部电影的开场白中,我们看到了一位孕妇,苔丝,正在收集必要的药物。然后,她前往汽车站,在登机前将行李装进储藏室。另一个女人,突然想出了
3In a decaying America, 20 years after an apocalyptic event, Pike leads Ruby, Slim, Scar, and Boots through the wasteland towards the town of Jawbone狗腿
11Dogleg follows amateur director Alan, played by Warren, after he loses his fiance's dog at a gender reveal party on the day of an important shoot. A- Attempting to put her life back together after the tragic events of the last few years, Val has found love in the arms of a new man.
16“Speak No Evil,” directed by actor-turned-helmer Christian Tafdrup, follows a Danish family who befriends a Dutch family while on vacation in Toscana.