- 影片由德国年度卖座冠军电影《该死的歌德》原班人马接力打造。讲述了痞子泽基(埃利亚斯·穆巴里克饰)刚刚出狱,找到了藏有以前抢来的赃款的地方,谁知那里居然建了一所歌德学校。于是他装成代课老师混进学校,找寻藏匿的地点。 然而,这一次,泽基老师(埃利亚斯·穆巴里克 饰演)要带他的学生们来到泰国校外教学
- For Momo, the dream of a football career was within reach. But then his family blames him for a crim...
- For Momo, the dream of a football career was within reach. But then his family blames him for a crime. Innocently, the 19-year-old ends up in jail a