2Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when h- Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when he
4影片简单写实,镜头跟随着一个巴黎的单身女孩一天内所发生的事情而展开,故事主线也单一而实时发展,与经典片《正午》一样,戏里的时间与现实生活的时间一致,都在90分钟内,展现了女孩与男友争吵,再到酒店上班,再与一些人交谈,再经历了一些事情的困扰。 本片讲述了年轻的巴黎女郎瓦莉一天的生活。瓦莉就要去一- Pierre is a famous writer and explorer. But one drunken night, a terrible fall leaves him in a coma. When he wakes up, barely standing up and agains