1A female student named Ainun, who admires the figure of Abah Mulya, the owner of the Padepokan in Bumi Suwung village who is famous for his supernatur- Ainun found out that her biological father, Abah Mulya, was actually a spiritual teacher who taught heresy and distanced himself from the Qibla. Can A
- 意识到自己是 Pandawa 家族的 Gatotkaca 的直系后裔,Satrio 必须通过战斗来释放他内心的力量,并面对 Aswatama,剩下的 Kurawa 战士通过改变 Bharatayudha 的历史来毁灭世界。
- Realizing that he's the lineal descendant of Gatotkaca from Pandawa family, Satrio must fight his way to unlock the power lies inside him and face A
- Realizing that he's the lineal descendant of Gatotkaca from Pandawa family, Satrio must fight his way to unlock the power lies inside him and face